Friday, November 11, 2005

Blue Iguana Recovery Program News (2005/11/11)

Hello All!

News items and the latest Blue Iguana Tales have been uploaded to the Blue Iguana website, The Blues have gained international exposure with the November 2005 National Geographic article; from the main page, click on "Resources", then "Articles."

IRCF has recently completed the Fall edition of Blue Iguana Tales, which highlights a thought-provoking photo of BeeGee sitting roadside as a vehicle speeds by. Learn about the efforts of international and Caymanian participants to produce the next species recovery plan, as well as status on recent BIRP activities; from the main page, click on "Resources", then "Newsletters and Documents."

Thank you to all who have donated to the fencing project! The target is 391 feet, with 59 feet currently sponsored. Safeguarding the Facility's inhabitants is critical, especially with last month's attempted kidnapping of Sapphire, a Blue who resides at the Botanical Park. Please take the time to read about the fencing project on the main page.

It's getting close to holiday gift-giving time! Please revisit the BIRP website soon for some wonderful ideas!

The folks here at IRCF thank you for your support! Please feel free to forward this email.

Become part of the solution! Join the IRCF!

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