It is with great sadness that I post this news.
Blue Iguanas Sapphire and Slugger have been killed tragically by a pair of wild dogs at the QE II Botanical Park. Slugger was a regular fixture by the restrooms at the BIRP facility. I found it odd on my first trip to see a large blue iguana laying right in front of the restrooms, as if standing guard. He was one of the first blues that I regularly photographed, as he roamed about the facility. Sapphire was seen over by the lake; it was not uncommon for her to laze atop one of the picnic tables. A beautiful animal, Sapphire graced the Blue Iguana Recovery Program information sheet.
They will be buried near the areas they considered home.
Yellow-Blue, a female, also has been mauled but is being a tough iguana! She has continued with her nesting behavior. Male blue Santa, amongst the first iguanas seen when the Blue Iguana Safari Tours kicked off, has not been seen in several weeks.
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